
2012年2月4日 星期六


Rank(排名) Rating(分數) Title(片名) Votes(投票人數)
7. 8.7 [北非諜影] Casablanca (1942) 77,953 ●
15. 8.6 [無法無天]Cidade de Deus (2002) 39,780 
16. 8.6 [刺激驚爆點]The Usual Suspects (1995) 121,875  
23. 8.6 [狂沙十萬里] C'era una volta il West (1968) 22,733 
38. 8.4 [光榮之路] Paths of Glory (1957) 17,562 
40. 8.4 [梅崗城故事] To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 35,756 
43. 8.4 [火線追緝令] Se7en (1995) 106,993 
47. 8.4 [唐人街] Chinatown (1974) 30,873
51. 8.3 [噩夢輓歌] Requiem for a Dream (2000) 61,407 
52. 8.3 [聖杯傳奇] Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 72,330 
53. 8.3 [梟巢喋血戰] The Maltese Falcon (1941) 22,913 
54. 8.3 [鐵面特警隊] L.A. Confidential (1997) 80,182 
56. 8.3 [殺手M] M (1931) 14,745 
58. 8.3 [桂河大橋] The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 26,359 
60. 8.3 [萬花嘻春] Singin' in the Rain (1952) 24,302 
61. 8.3 [碧血金沙] The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 12,563 
63. 8.3 [慧星美人] All About Eve (1950) 15,439 
65. 8.3 [罪惡之城] Sin City (2005) 71,375 
67. 8.3 [霸道橫行] Reservoir Dogs (1992) 83,592 
68. 8.3 [雙重保險] Double Indemnity (1944) 13,947 
69. 8.3 [蠻牛] Raging Bull (1980) 32,983  
72. 8.3 [諜網迷魂] The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 16,796 
73. 8.3 [大都會] Metropolis (1927) 14,646 
77. 8.2 [阿瑪迪斯] Amadeus (1984) 43,271 ●
78. 8.2 [第三集中營] The Great Escape (1963) 24,386 
79. 8.2 [異形第二集]Aliens (1986) 74,631 
80. 8.2 [城市之光] City Lights (1931) 9,477 
81. 8.2 [刺激] The Sting (1973) 27,755 
82. 8.2 [蝴蝶夢] Rebecca (1940) 13,826 
83. 8.2 [歷劫佳人] Touch of Evil (1958) 13,884 
84. 8.2 [岸上風雲] On the Waterfront (1954) 15,561 
85. 8.2 [史密斯遊美京] Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 13,765 
89. 8.2 [公寓春光] The Apartment (1960) 13,465 
90. 8.2 [第七封印] Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) 12,228 
91. 8.2 [大白鯊] Jaws (1975) 56,330 ●
92. 8.2 [綠野仙蹤] The Wizard of Oz (1939) 45,328 
93. 8.2 [火車怪客] Strangers on a Train (1951) 12,897 
94. 8.2 [英雄本色] Braveheart (1995) 107,720 ●
96. 8.2 [怵目驚魂28天] Donnie Darko (2001) 70,278 
97. 8.2 [新天堂樂園] Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1989) 16,890 
99. 8.2 [冰血暴] Fargo (1996) 75,661 
101. 8.1 [銀翼殺手] Blade Runner (1982) 85,941 
102. 8.1 [金甲部隊] Full Metal Jacket (1987) 57,427 
104. 8.1 [魔鬼終結者2] Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 91,384 ●
105. 8.1 [蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻] Batman Begins (2005) 74,233 
107. 8.1 [夜長夢多] The Big Sleep (1946) 11,994 
108. 8.1 [日正當中] High Noon (1952) 14,729 
109. 8.1 [美人計] Notorious (1946) 12,758 
110. 8.1 [象人] The Elephant Man (1980) 19,975 
111. 8.1 [大鏢客] Yojimbo (1961) 11,317 
112. 8.1 [四海兄弟] Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 24,224 
115. 8.1 [靈異第六感] The Sixth Sense (1999) 112,726 
117. 8.1 [原罪犯] Oldboy (2003) 19,632 
118. 8.1 [單車失竊記] Ladri di biciclette (1948) 9,140 
119. 8.1 [鐵窗喋血] Cool Hand Luke (1967) 16,961 
120. 8.1 [公主新娘] The Princess Bride (1987) 62,254 
122. 8.1 [一夜風流] It Happened One Night (1934) 9,566 
123. 8.1 [殺無赦] Unforgiven (1992) 36,899 
124. 8.0 [賓漢] Ben-Hur (1959) 24,794 
125. 8.0 [越戰獵鹿人] The Deer Hunter (1978) 34,073 
126. 8.0 [虎豹小霸王] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 23,883 
127. 8.0 [畢業生] The Graduate (1967) 32,760 
128. 8.0 [[綠色奇蹟]] The Green Mile (1999) 73,022 ●
129. 8.0 [野草莓] Smultronstället (1957) 6,782 
130. 8.0 [愛是一條狗] Amores perros (2000) 19,720 
131. 8.0 [鴨羹] Duck Soup (1933) 11,766 
132. 8.0 [恐怖的報酬] Salaire de la peur, Le (1953) 3,741 
133. 8.0 [聖戰奇兵] Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 72,221 
134. 8.0 [回到未來] Back to the Future (1985) 81,335 ●
135. 8.0 [黃金時代] The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 7,428 
136. 8.0 Life of Brian (1979) 39,737 (無中譯)
137. 8.0 [蘿拉快跑] Lola rennt (1998) 38,792 
139. 8.0 [殺手] The Killing (1956) 8,619 
140. 8.0 [前進高棉] Platoon (1986) 42,403 
141. 8.0 [非洲皇后] The African Queen (1951) 15,950 
142. 8.0 [淘金記] The Gold Rush (1925) 7,773 
143. 8.0 [費城故事] The Philadelphia Story (1940) 12,480 
144. 8.0 [愛在日落巴黎時] Before Sunset (2004) 14,405 
145. 8.0 [光榮戰役] Glory (1989) 25,413 
146. 8.0 [卡比利亞之夜] Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) 2,956 
147. 8.0 [巴頓將軍] Patton (1970) 17,078 
148. 8.0 [英雄] Ying xiong (2002) 32,395 ●
149. 8.0 [神鬼戰士] Gladiator (2000) 110,672 ●
150. 8.0 [尋找新樂園] Finding Neverland (2004) 30,340 
151. 8.0 Kumonosu jô (1957) 4,325 (無中譯)
152. 8.0 [神氣十足] A Christmas Story (1983) 23,996 
153. 8.0 [棘手摧花] Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 7,247 
154. 8.0 [黃昏雙鏢客] Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 11,891 
155. 8.0 [羅賓漢] The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 8,906 
156. 8.0 [獵人之夜] The Night of the Hunter (1955) 9,290 
157. 8.0 [怒火之花] The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 9,351 
158. 8.0 [終極警探] Die Hard (1988) 69,216 ●
159. 8.0 Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) 4,443 (無中譯)
161. 8.0 [亂世佳人] Gone with the Wind (1939) 34,221 
162. 7.9 [對話] The Conversation (1974) 12,345 
163. 7.9 [情婦] Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 6,198 
164. 7.9 [神秘河流] Mystic River (2003) 38,858 
166. 7.9 [相見恨晚] Brief Encounter (1945) 3,528 
167. 7.9 [站在我這邊] Stand by Me (1986) 36,707 
169. 7.9 [那一個晚上] Festen (1998) 14,333 
170. 7.9 [悄悄告訴她] Hable con ella (2002) 16,052 
171. 7.9 [日落黃沙] The Wild Bunch (1969) 12,550 
172. 7.9 [心靈角落] Magnolia (1999) 54,978 
173. 7.9 [江湖浪子] The Hustler (1961) 9,909 
175. 7.9 [戰地軍魂] Stalag 17 (1953) 8,477 
176. 7.9 [迷離世界] Harvey (1950) 9,363 
177. 7.9 [吸血鬼] Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) 10,539 
178. 7.9 [曼哈頓] Manhattan (1979) 14,853 
179. 7.9 [史崔特先生的故事] The Straight Story (1999) 17,703 
180. 7.9 [熱天午後] Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 18,473 
181. 7.9 [地球末日記] The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 12,093 
182. 7.9 [萬夫莫敵] Spartacus (1960) 20,437 
183. 7.9 [育嬰奇譚] Bringing Up Baby (1938) 11,033 
184. 7.9 [像惡魔的女人] Diaboliques, Les (1955) 4,045 
185. 7.9 [里加利博士小屋] Kabinett des Doktor Caligari, Das (1920) 4,841 
186. 7.9 [老處女與毒藥] Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 13,454 
187. 7.9 [西線無戰事] All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 8,355  
189. 7.9 [生之慾] Ikiru (1952) 5,487 
190. 7.9 [小報妙冤家] His Girl Friday (1940) 8,154 
191. 7.9 [今天暫時停止] Groundhog Day (1993) 53,796  
197. 7.9 [未來總動員] Twelve Monkeys (1995) 73,198 
198. 7.9 [彈簧刀] Sling Blade (1996) 23,629 
199. 7.9 [新科學怪人] Young Frankenstein (1974) 26,407 
200. 7.9 [搜索者] The Searchers (1956) 12,179 
201. 7.9 [羅馬假期] Roman Holiday (1953) 11,575 
202. 7.9 [大法師] The Exorcist (1973) 41,337 ●
203. 7.9 [謀殺綠腳趾] The Big Lebowski (1998) 61,749 
204. 7.9 [大幻影] Grande illusion, La (1937) 6,072 
205. 7.9 [雙虎屠龍] The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 8,724 
206. 7.9 [巴西] Brazil (1985) 36,201 
207. 7.9 [紅色情深] Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994) 12,319 
208. 7.9 [偷拐搶騙] Snatch. (2000) 56,436 
209. 7.9 [最後一擊] Cinderella Man (2005) 15,959 
210. 7.9 [貴婦失蹤案] The Lady Vanishes (1938) 5,574 
211. 7.9 [魔鬼終結者] The Terminator (1984) 70,427 
212. 7.9 [兩根槍管] Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) 42,504 
213. 7.9 [金剛] King Kong (1933) 14,693 
214. 7.9 [烈火悍將] Heat (1995) 54,156 
215. 7.9 [慾望街車] A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 11,675 
216. 7.9 [謎中謎] Charade (1963) 11,070 
217. 7.9 [成名在望] Almost Famous (2000) 46,404 
218. 7.9 [大路] Strada, La (1954) 6,200 
219. 7.9 [尋找新方向] Sideways (2004) 29,808 
220. 7.9 [科學怪人的新娘] Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 5,928 
221. 7.8 [八又二分之一] 8½ (1963) 9,982 
222. 7.8 [驚爆內幕] The Insider (1999) 33,808 ●
223. 7.8 [惡夜追緝令] In the Heat of the Night (1967) 8,406 
224. 7.8 [疤面煞星] Scarface (1983) 39,869 
225. 7.8 [大陰謀] All the President's Men (1976) 15,119 
226. 7.8 [愛情,不用翻譯] Lost in Translation (2003) 56,717 
227. 7.8 [波坦金戰艦] Bronenosets Potyomkin (1925) 7,549 
228. 7.8 [我倆沒有明天] Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 15,217 
229. 7.8 [穆荷蘭大道] Mulholland Dr. (2001) 44,135 
230. 7.8 [歌劇之夜] A Night at the Opera (1935) 7,262 
231. 7.8 [偵探] Sleuth (1972) 5,596 
232. 7.8 [桃色血案] Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 4,682 
233. 7.8 [神鬼奇航] Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 79,322 ●
234. 7.8 [失嬰記] Rosemary's Baby (1968) 15,359 
236. 7.8 [科學怪人] Frankenstein (1931) 7,785 ●
237. 7.8 [雨人] Rain Man (1988) 50,486 
238. 7.8 [突變第三型] The Thing (1982) 22,303 
239. 7.8 [搖滾萬萬歲] This Is Spinal Tap (1984) 25,079 
240. 7.8 [羅蘭秘記] Laura (1944) 5,812 
241. 7.8 [齊瓦哥醫師] Doctor Zhivago (1965) 12,225 
242. 7.8 [成功滋味] Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 2,851 
243. 7.8 [黑幫龍虎鬥] Miller's Crossing (1990) 17,948 
244. 7.8 [浩劫餘生] Planet of the Apes (1968) 23,817 
245. 7.8 [變腦] Being John Malkovich (1999) 64,882 
246. 7.8 [點燃生命之海] Mar adentro (2004/I) 7,795 
247. 7.8 [聖女貞德蒙難記] Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, La (1928) 4,621 
248. 7.8 [亂世兒女] Barry Lyndon (1975) 15,433 
249. 7.8 [螢光幕後] Network (1976) 11,534 
250. 7.8 [鐵面無私] The Untouchables (1987) 38,137

